ITMSA offers a variety of workshops ranging from our one day head, neck and shoulder training to the full practitioner training. We also offer Thai Foot Massage Training. Certificates are provided on completion of all course material, case studies and exams for each level of each workshop. Practitioners are recognised by ITM Chiang Mai and can appear on the ITMSA website on completion of Level 2.
Trainers all offer the standard ITMSA approved workshops and dates can be obtaned from individual trainers.

Traditional Thai Foot Massage
Thai Foot Massage is an ancient and powerful therapy. This massage combines work on the Sen lines and reflex points in the feet with gentle stretches. The effect is to stimulate smooth energy flow and improve circulation as well as encouraging flexibility, balance and relaxation. Thai Foot massage differs from other forms of foot massage in that it focuses on stimulating healthy energy flow in the body, and also in the use of a specially shaped stick to activate reflex points.
The massage is designed to balance the body and energy system and is effective in relieving pain and many health problems.
Thai Foot Massage Training is a two day workshop. A manual, foot cream and stick are included in the cost and completion certificate is issued.
Pre requisites: None
Cost: R1800

Introduction to Thai: Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage
Seated Thai Massage is a one day workshop teaching thai stretches and skills on the head, neck, shoulders and back in the seated position. The sequence taught can be performed on a floor mat or adapted to be used on a stool and is perfect for office therapy or everyday use. Acupressure for pain relief is taught as well as energetic work, cleansing twists and releasing stretches to promote comfort and improve mobility.
This workshop is the first compulsory step of the Thai Practitioner Training, or can be completed as a stand alone treatment. A clear and composite manual is included and a certificate is issued on completion of this level.
Pre requisites: None
Cost: R1200

Traditional Thai Massage: Level 1
Level 1 is run over 4 days (usually on the weekends) Students are introduced to the treatment of the Sen flow in the body (similar to meridians) and we begin to experience the effect of opening the energetic system with acupressure and stretching. Movements in the supine (face up) position are taught and work on the feet, legs and hips, chest, arms and face are covered. Deep stretching of the lower back and hip opening is achieved on this level. A manual is included and competency in work thus far is tested before students are allowed to move on to level 2.
This workshop covers intense energetic practical work and stretching as well as some theory of energy and anatomy.
Pre requisites: Seated Thai Massage
Cost: R3200
Traditional Thai Massage: Level 2
Level 2 is run over 6 days (usually on the weekends) Students begin to experience working deeper. Movements in the Prone (face down) position and side position are taught and focus is on back work. We use techniques to release tight and congested muscle and fascia as well as stimulating viscera and energetic flow.
This workshop covers some more advanced and high risk stretching techniques carefully taught in a safe, controlled environment . We also cover abdominal work. Another manual is issued and case studies and an exam must be completed after this level in order to be certified. Final certification is recognised by ITM in Chiang Mai, Thailand and also by the Thai Government.
Pre requisites: Seated Thai Massage and Thai Level 1
Cost: R3500 (Plus R350 certification and registration fee)